

GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME  Today we begin this class with a video. This video talks about  FOOD POISONING  . I'm sure each one of you has had a bout of vomiting and diarrhoea  at some point in your life up till now. This video makes for an interesting watch. Check it out. Make notes. It will help you at some point in life. I really hope that you liked the video. This video is self explanatory. You may want to play it again. POINTS TO REMEMBER/NOTE Bacteria and fungi multiply fast in warm and humid conditions Spoiled food can be identified by its  unpleasant smell, changed colour and bad taste. The common bacteria that cause food poisoning are: Salmonella, Staphylococci and Aspergillus. Raw food should be washed thoroughly to remove dirt, pesticides and manure. Food should be cooked properly to kill the microorganism                                        GENERAL SYMPTOMS OF FOOD POISONING The symptoms are of gen

Holiday Homework Class 8E

Good Morning boys, Thank you for logging in. You are wonderful!😊 This blog has instructions for your Holiday HW. Read it carefully. CLASS 8 SCIENCE HOLIDAY HOMEWORK             All the worksheets have been uploaded on REDOX. WEEK 1 Cell: Structure and Functions ·          Read the chapter thoroughly. ·          Practice Questions from the book. ·          Draw and Practice all the diagrams discussed in the class. ·          Solve WORKSHEET of the chapter  Cell  in the notebook. CLASS 8 SCIENCE   LESSON 8 -CELL -STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS                       LEVEL  - A 1.     ANSWER IN ONE WORD ONLY : The structural and functional unit of life.    …………………………   Organisms in which all functions of the body are carried by a single cell.   …………………………..      Organism in which various functions in the body are divided among different groups of cells.  …………………………… The outer boundary of the cell.    ……………………………………..   The control center of the

Micro Organisms Q/A 2


Microorganisms Blog 7

Dear Learners, Holiday homework will be published on blog today in zero period. You all are required to keep the note of all assignments. What you see above is the  nitrogen cycle . You have been introduced to the water cycle in the previous classes.  What goes around comes around!!! Good morning and welcome to another interesting day in the world of micro bes. We know that the atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen. However, we are unable to obtain this nitrogen that is required for our growth directly from the atmosphere. In this video we will see how plants obtain nitrogen from the atmosphere and thereafter how do we obtain this nutrition from plants. I hope you have understood how nitrogen is fixed by  natural processes Last year you did come across  symbiotic bacteria .  They live in the small swellings found on the roots of leguminous plants like groundnut. These bacteria convert atmosph